just got MH lights, how long should i have them on?

reef dude

Hey guys, I just got in my MH hood system. Its is 2 175 watt MH bulbs(5,500K) and 2 40 watt flourescent actinic 03 bulbs. (430 watts total) How long should i have the MH bulbs on each day and how long should i have just the actinics on? Also, I am putting in 50 lbs of LR tomorow to start my cycle. Will i have to adjust them to the lights. the few pieces of rock in my tank now seem to wither away when i turn the halides on...normal?


Active Member
I have mine on for 8 hours. But... I also have 4 VHO.. If I only had halides with NO bulbs I would go to around 9 hours.... Your choice. Just watch for heat and signs from your corals.
Good Luck with your new lights..

reef dude

thanks alot man i appreciate the input, no body has said anything to me about this except you! Right now i have just LR in the tank, should i adjust them to the lights by turning them on for like 2 hrs one day then 3 the next, etc.....?