just got my 12g pod!


i just got my 12g pod! no cracks on this one... i have water in it now just running to see if i see any leaks. but i ran into a few problems:
1. i can not fit my fission skimmer in any of the 4 chambers with or without the elbows any suggestions?
2. does anyone know how to take the hood off? i need to dremel some slots so i can run my heater cord, and my skimmer cord as soon as i can get the thing to fit right.


the skimmer does not fit?
this is a pic of the back of the 12 gallo aquapod with the skimmer in it. Does this help?


hmmm.... how did u get in the 2nd chamber? i tried and i could not get it too fit? how did you get the hood off?
will the hood close with the skimmer in the back chamber?
also you running the stock pump? or did u upgrade, and are you using a hydor flo?


that is not my tank I am sorry to say. that picture is curtesy of chris at nanocustoms.com. I don't own an aquapod. However I suggest you ask around on the nanocube forum of nano-reef.com and I am sure someone will be able to tell you what to do.