Just got my AquaC Remora Pro!!


UPS delivered it today and I got it up and running. The only problem I have with it is getting the pre-filter box to stay at the desired height. The only means of it staying is a screw in the box that tightens against the pump. It appears to be working as I can see foam trying to bubble up over the overflow. If anyone else has experience with this skimmer let me know.
Rate my setup please:
90 gallon aggressive
3-4 inch live sand bed
50 lbs live rock
4 powerheads
emperor 400 with carbon and biowheel
emperor 280 with carbon and biowheel
aquaC remora pro with pre-filter box
Can I get rid of one of the emperors? Which one?


I have the Remora Pro on my reef tank. I don't have the pre skimmer box so I don't know what to tell you about that. I like this skimmer alot. Give it a few days to a week to really break it in good. Watch out for any additives you might add - they cause the skimmer to go like mad and overflow!
As to your set up - I would ditch at least one of the powerfilters. If you take them both off at once, keep an eye on your water parameters to see if there is any ill effects. You don't have quite the amount of live rock needed for complete filtration. I would up it to at least 90 lbs on a 90g tank.