Just got my first corals

I was given a Bubble coral and a Brain Coral
from a friend whos had a tank up for a few years he thinks my lighting will be okay (96wattPC 50/50 bulb)The bubble Coral is on the high part of my LR so far my Coralbeauty has left them alone but my Halfblack angel likes to nip at the brain. I fed the bubble some shrimp but not sure what to feed the Brain?? Friend is on vacation so I thought I'd ask here. :rolleyes:

fish sense

Is it an open or closed brain. I have an open brain(rose coral I think) and when the lights go out and his polyps/tentacles come out, he collects fallen fish food (frozen)and I have fed him silversides at night as well. Hope this helps!


Active Member
I feed my bubble live brine and frozen food.
I recently acquired a red open brian and feed him a small chunk of frozen food also.


Congrats for your first corals! :cool: Just make sure to keep an eye on your water quality especially for the brain. ;)