Just got my LR!!!


Active Member
I have a 12 gal, so I bought 2 pieces of fiji rock and one cool piece of tonga. I told the LFS the pieces were too big, he said thats what hammers were for. So when I got home I had my husband crack them in half, there were worms inside! It was kinda cool, but I wonder if they are good worms or bad? Anyone know?


got any pics???were they worms or were they amphipods/copepods???they could have also been bristle worms or a peanut worm or a fire worm.you have to be a little more specific before you ask for an id


Active Member
No, I don't have any picks. I have a camera, but can't get the pictures from there to here. I guess I wasn't really looking for an ID as much as someone who might of had a similar experience and how it ended up for them, good or bad. But I guess with all the different types of worms it's hit or miss.

captn bob

hey zoie2 read about your discovery inside your live rock,if ya figure what kinds ofworms they are (good or bad)how about a pic. if you can,i,m new to this and aboutto set up a tank but would like to know what to look for when i buy some live rock..thanks. :thinking:


if the worms look like centipedes with hairy legs they are bristle or fire worms.... if the worms are smooth and thin most likely a peanut worm.... there are some others that i cant think of off the top of my head, its getting to late to think


Active Member
they actually look like regular night crawlers. I'm not sure if any survived though. Some fell out after I cut the rock. Some fell out after I rinsed the rock, but i think one or two must have survived.