just got my tank!


I'm so excited!

After reading this board for 3 weeks and lots of research, I'm finally starting. I'm going FOWLR. From my LFS (an independent) I got a 29g, an AquaClear 70 filter, 2 visi-therm (marineland) 50w heaters, and a saltwater master liquid test kit. I also bought aragonite sand, live sand and salt.
I haven't bought the rock yet because it'll be a few days before I'm ready. Also, in all the excitement (mine, not theirs) I forgot a hydrometer. I'll pick that up today.
I want to start with 2 clowns (ocellaris), then add a royal gramma, a neon goby and a watchman goby. Of course I need my clean-up crew. I know I want a cleaner shrimp, hermits (scarlet?), snails, and a crab. I'm wondering if I could fit in a starfish (brittle star or choc. chip)?
Two more questions -
Is the equipment I bought ok or not?
And, my LFS says to put in the sand first then add base rock and LR after a couple days. Everything I read says to add the rock first then the sand to avoid dead spots. Any advice about this or anything else?


Active Member

Originally posted by claire_r
I'm so excited!
After reading this board for 3 weeks and lots of research, I'm finally starting. I'm going FOWLR. From my LFS (an independent) I got a 29g, an AquaClear 70 filter, 2 visi-therm (marineland) 50w heaters, and a saltwater master liquid test kit. I also bought aragonite sand, live sand and salt.

Should be fine with a small bio-load, but consider a protein skimmer.
Originally posted by claire_r
I haven't bought the rock yet because it'll be a few days before I'm ready. Also, in all the excitement (mine, not theirs) I forgot a hydrometer. I'll pick that up today.

Consider a refractometer as they are far more efficient.
Originally posted by claire_r

I want to start with 2 clowns (ocellaris), then add a royal gramma, a neon goby and a watchman goby. Of course I need my clean-up crew. I know I want a cleaner shrimp, hermits (scarlet?), snails, and a crab. I'm wondering if I could fit in a starfish (brittle star or choc. chip)?

Do not add any fish or livestock untill the cycle is complete, if you are not sure on the process just do a forum search. (takes 4 - 6 weeks on average)
Originally posted by claire_r

And, my LFS says to put in the sand first then add base rock and LR after a couple days. Everything I read says to add the rock first then the sand to avoid dead spots. Any advice about this or anything else?

For stability purposes you can add the rock first.
and welcome to the hobby :D


Thanks, JacknJill!
Gratefull Reefer,
I know I have to wait until the tank cycles before adding the crew and the fish. I'll be patient (or at least I'll hold off on it even though I don't feel patient). I'm hoping that I can afford fish by then! I used up my budget getting the setup! ha ha

Thanks for the advice about the skimmer and refractometer. I'll check them out.


Exciting isnt it? :happy:
I second the recommendation on the skimmer. They are a little expensive but very worth it. When you see it working, you will be glad you have it.
I also second the recommendation on the refractometer. Far more accurate than a hydrometer and less messy.
I also recommend getting a powerhead or two. This is for water circulation, also to help prevent "dead spots".
A glass thermometer would be good just for the insurance that your heaters are correct. They are cheap. The electonic flavors are more expensive but are nice. Personally, I just have a glass one.
LR is also expensive but I also recommend getting that soon. You may have some dieoff on the rock which might cause another cycle if you add it after your inital cycle. Besides, often you will see tiny critters, hitchhikers, in the rock which help in the wait for the cycle to complete.
Also, add your fish slowly. Each fish you add causes an imbalance in the ecosystem and will trigger anoter small cycle. If you add a bunch at once, your fish might not be able to handle the stress of a heavier cycle. Although, 2 small clowns at once should be ok. Just make sure you have your cleanup crew ready. :)
p.s. Take pics and log your progress. Its neat to look back after your tank has matured. The real excuse, though... to show off your tank to us! Heh.


My tank is only 4 months old so i have only just been through wat ur goin through. u will be amazed at wat comes out of ur LR and it only last 4-6 for the cycle to be over and then u start getting fish that take ur attention away from the interesting little critter, enjoy them while u can.
ur in good hands on this site...very knowlegable people.
good luck and like spline9 said be sure to take pictures so u can show us. :happyfish


spline9 and Aidos:
I really appreciate the advice and your welcome to the site/hobby/obsession.

My tank is still dry - my husband has to put in the gfi so I can plug things in without shocking results! I was thinking about going ahead with another powerhead to start. I'll have to wait a bit on the protein skimmer, it's a goal. Are refractometers very expensive?
You've got me really excited about the LR now. Maybe I'll get some fun critters.
It's great to have others to "talk" to about all this. Everyone at work just says, "Isn't it hard to have a saltwater tank? I'd end up killing all the fish!" Not real encouraging!:D


although I probably cant mention here.... a refractometer from a large mail-order supply is currently priced at about $45


Active Member
Your Stocking list looks good to me. If you are not putting corals in the tank you can put a chocolate chip star in, but be sure to spot feed it meaty foods (like chunks of cocktail shrimp).
Looks like you have a good start.
I also second LR, or at least some good porus baserock and a few pieces of LR.
A protein skimmer is something you can add down the road a little, for that size tank, go with a cpr bakpak skimmer.
I also recommend using a pure water source, like RO/DI water or distilled.


A refractometer sold here is a fair price also.
I have a couple salty friends at work but most everybody else at work say the same thing. Just last week I got myself a .5gallon tank for my desk. I've set it up as an invert salt tank. Everybody loves it and wants to get one now. Hehe.
Just yesterday I found a baby brittle star that hitchhiked on the LR I got for it. They are fun to watch feed.
Heres a pic with everybody (2 zebra hermits, 1 scarlet hermit, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 unidentified urchin, 1 margarita snail, 1 brittlestar, and some zoanthid polyps) hiding.


a refractometer "from here" while fair priced... is "wish list" only
as is EVERY ITEM in the dry goods catagory...
i removed the link as they are just on vacation... but they are out there ... the lowest price I see today is 42.99 + shipping


Active Member
Originally posted by spline9
A refractometer sold here is a fair price also.
I have a couple salty friends at work but most everybody else at work say the same thing. Just last week I got myself a .5gallon tank for my desk. I've set it up as an invert salt tank. Everybody loves it and wants to get one now. Hehe.
Just yesterday I found a baby brittle star that hitchhiked on the LR I got for it. They are fun to watch feed.
Heres a pic with everybody (2 zebra hermits, 1 scarlet hermit, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 unidentified urchin, 1 margarita snail, 1 brittlestar, and some zoanthid polyps) hiding.

lol, thats a good idea. but do you mean 5 gallon or .5gallon?


Welcome aboard!
Can I offer a suggestion that I read on another posting to help your cycle go faster? Try adding 2-3 cocktail shrimp (the kind you buy at the grocery store). They will rot inside the tank should help to speed your cycle a little. Take them out a few days later as they will be a little stinky. :)
Good luck!!


lol, thats a good idea. but do you mean 5 gallon or .5gallon?
1/2 gallon. It may be a little more than that but definately not quite one gallon.
Maybe this image will give you a better idea on its size.
I just got a couple more pieces of LR for it. Cant wait to put them in tomorrow.
p.s. sorry about the thread hijacking.