just got off the phone with lfs!!!!!!!!!!!


i called my LFS about the carpet anomne i purchased him from last week after a lot of thought i have decided to take back my carpet anomone because of a lighting issue.i told him this and asked about his return policy he asked what light i had and which one i thought i needed i told him i had been advised to get a mh light his response those lights are for the bigger profesinal tanks!he said all i needed was a full spectrum ight bulb and they cost about 17$ is he right????if i was confused yesterday (and i was)about this lighting issue i am now that much more confused please help should i try the full spectrum light or try to find a home my anomone i dont think is willing to take it back!!!


I don't know for sure but I can tell ya, I'd trust what the folks on the board here say long before I'd trust any LFS person! If the people here said metal halide I'd go with that since I don't know from experience, I trust the folks here, and at worst putting it under MH would be the "better safe than sorry" route.
I do know that carpets need a lot of light and that too many slowly die in our aquariums usually due to a lack of sufficient light (which is practically a CRIME considering that they seem to have a nearly immortal lifespan in the oceans!!)


thanks dane i was thinking the same thing thought i would ask you guys though to see what everyone thought about the full spectrum ight


Active Member
Hi again nicole!

I know we have been talking about getting MH lights. I should have asked this question a while back, but whats your budget?? I have known people that have had Anomies under NO lights, but its always more than one tube.
Lets see if we can figgure this out once and for all



Active Member
full spectrum lighting --- :hilarious
:hilarious wow i love that line.... so he's telling you that a lightbulb with a better spectrum would help...thats true if it could reach the anemone......but the 40w is not going to push any spectrum far enough to reach the anemone with any effect.
the easy way of thinking about lighting is:
the wattage is the power to push the full spectrum
the spectrum is the light -- 6500k 10k 16k 20k ect
now your wattage needs to be able to push a full 6500k to the bottom of the tank to support the anemone....
40w wont do it
220w might do it if the anemone is placed high in the tank (so he gets the full spectrum)


fitzy i could afford to do the mh lights but this is my hobby my husband loves the tank but doesnt understand why it so much he just asked my what is a coral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!so if i tried to explain why i have to spend so much on this i dont think he will get it as in understand get it.......but we are going to go to a big pet store in nashville tonight so if i ask question while we are there he just might understand
i asked the LFS about putting the anomone closer to top he said that he will go were he wants to go!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicole05
i called my LFS about the carpet anomne i purchased him from last week after a lot of thought i have decided to take back my carpet anomone because of a lighting issue.i told him this and asked about his return policy he asked what light i had and which one i thought i needed i told him i had been advised to get a mh light his response those lights are for the bigger profesinal tanks!he said all i needed was a full spectrum ight bulb and they cost about 17$ is he right????if i was confused yesterday (and i was)about this lighting issue i am now that much more confused please help should i try the full spectrum light or try to find a home my anomone i dont think is willing to take it back!!!

carpet anenomes do require MH lighting and larger tanks they get huge and are avery aggressive species(great for eating your fish).as for my oppinion and most likely alot of others here on the boards may agree your LFS is full of it and just trying to make a buck.a show tank isnt always a huge tank what makes a show tank is whats in it and how its displayed.i garee with your descision to get rif of it if you cannot provide proper enviroment for it.


Active Member
yup....thats why you cant buy lights expecting the anemone to stay up there. they like water flow and many anemones gets sucked into powerheads because of it.


Active Member
Liek coach said, you need the high wattage to reach the bottom of the tank... they done make N.O. lights for a 55 any higher then 40W
with the lights i sent you yesterday, you will have no problem keeping anything.. LPS, SPS, clams, and defiinitly your carpet!
Just go to some sites and show him some pics of corals.... if he is that interested in teh tank, hell jump at it!


i cant wiat to get him the big fish store he will love it me on the other had will be like a kid in a toy store but i want him to listen to answer they give me its hard for me to explain what you guys tell me cause dont know /understand it all yet.


my 55 gal. has two light fixture not just one long one i guess its supposed to be that way but if i get 40 watt for both sides will that mean i have 80 watts and will that be good enogh??


Active Member
"Carpet anemone's have strong lighting needs. Make sure the tank has Powercompacts, VHO's or Halides for success. They also require good water quality and moderate water flow."
you 40w per bulb wouldnt be sufficient as it's not high enough output. the ballast(what drives those 40w) isnt big enough to push that spectrum down. and if you got a bigger ballast...youd blow the bulbs....so better bulbs are needed with a better ballast....for better lighting....for a better anemone

dont stop asking if your still confused...you may ask a question that would tie it all in after the answer..


thanks guys gotta go for a little while will keep thinking of other ways and more questions you guys are gonna hate to see my name on line after i get through thinking but thanks ahead of time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicole05
my 55 gal. has two light fixture not just one long one i guess its supposed to be that way but if i get 40 watt for both sides will that mean i have 80 watts and will that be good enogh??
no im sorry 80 watts wont do any anenome good.Mh is the only lighting source that is closest to natural sun light even pc and VHO lighting isnt going to be enough for a carpet and in my personal oppinion no anenome should be kept in a tank that does not have MH .