Just got some new rock


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Well I just added a bunch more rock to my tank so I thought I would take some pictures. I apologize in advance for the mass amounts of hair algae but I can never seem to win that battle. The first pic is an attempt at a closeup of something I had on my original live rock, the rock has been in the tank for well over a year and so whatever it is, it was a hitchiker. The picture is kind of blurry but I can't seem to get decent close ups with my camera (sony cybershot 3.2) If anyone has any tips on how to get good close ups with this camera I'd love to hear them. So any ideas on what the first thing is? It is green and has small yellowish green dots, I am guessing it is a mushroom but I don't really know.. On to the rest of the pictures. The second will be my hitchhiker zoo, also from my original live rock, with the new rock I moved it from the bottom of the tank to more then halfway up, Hopefully it will do better with some more light.. The last one is the full tank shot, all my fish went into hiding when I was messing with the rock but they have come out again since..



Active Member
dont feel bad about the green hair algae... JUST BOIL IT!!! LOL
I won the battle with mine, but then red slime took over and now that is calming down quite a bit, though I still have some..
That is some clean looking new rock!
do you have a sump or fuge? Throw in some chaeto.. I think between that and cutting the light cycle is what took care of mine.. but then the snails began to drop off..one by one..
You can also put some chaeto into the tank, but I wouldnt recommend cuttiing the light cycle..I think thats what helped the red slime in my tank..


Active Member
Cain loves to boil stuff.... he love sea food!!! lol ITs a joke to boil it!
What kind of water are you using tap, Ro, distilled? Algea in that abundance is not fun! If you are using RO, or Distilled then what are your tanks Phospate levels? If that is fine then how long are you running your lighting for a day, and what kind of lighting?
Lots of questions but that much algea isn't fun and you should be able to kick it!!!


Active Member
well, the majority of it is gone since I got the lights back on to pretty much regular schedule.. the actinics are from 7-7, and the 10000k's are from 8-6..an hour difference each way.. They are 260watt PC. and I am using ro drinking water.. I really think the red slime is starting to clear up nicely though. I know everyone will say that i need the DI part too, but we will see in due time, I am sort of running an experiment with it.
I have no phosphate tester yet, but I put some chaeto in the display and in the sump (until I finally get the fuge up and going - i am making sure the live sand i had in a garbage bag is okay to use by filling up the fuge and put in a powerhead - i will check the levels of it tomorrow and if all is okay, i am piping it in). The hair algae disappeared very fast.. in about a week. i barely have any of that left! WOOHOO! and i didnt have to boil nothin.. LOL
I will never forget that day, but i havent seen that monster since! I hope he rotted in there! One other thing is, the rock i boiled, has nothing growing on it yet...
oh yea.. and it seems like i switched away from red sea salt, the red slime really started to calm down! I am now using reef crystals by IO and I will see how that goes..


Active Member
I am pretty certain my hair algae problem became a problem due to high phosphate and nitrate levels. I've gotten control of my phosphates and nitrates however getting the existing algae to go away is the hard part, I suck as much out as I can every time I do a water change. I don't think it is the lighting because all I have is 110 watts of PC lighting, half blue, have 10k. and they are on for 7 hours a day, and I have 30 watts of high output 18k on for 11 hours. I've been wanting to get a bi-color blenny and some emerald crabs to help clean up the hair but they never have them at the fish store near by...


Active Member
chaeto is good for that.. even if u dont have a sump/fuge.. and once the hair is gone, u dont have to worry bout makin sure the things that eat it dont die!...
chaeto will eat up the nutrients that the hair algae thrives on and its good food for my emerald crab too.. Although I now have one lazy emerald cuz thats the only place u ever find him is in the little patch of chaeto in the display. I wonder how long until he eats it up! LOL
I think this salt is really making a difference, but I will see.. If not i will try tropic marine (i hear it is pretty good, and used by some of the great reef keepers).


Active Member
As far as my algae, I really don't think there is much else I can do for it, I use RO/DI water, I do weekly water changes, and I am running PhosGuard in my HOB filter. Eventually once I get an emerald crab and a bicolor blenny I think I won't have the problem anymore.
Can anyone help me with the first picture? The best way to describe it is to say it is green, it is about an inch in diameter, and has little bumps all over it. I am thinking it is some sort of coral and I have moved it up atleast 8 inches higher in the tank, much like my zoo.
I will try to post some more pictures later, I think I was able to get a clearer picture of the item in question, and a nicer full tank shot once all the sand settled and some of my fish came out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
As far as my algae, I really don't think there is much else I can do for it, I use RO/DI water, I do weekly water changes, and I am running PhosGuard in my HOB filter. Eventually once I get an emerald crab and a bicolor blenny I think I won't have the problem anymore.
Can anyone help me with the first picture? The best way to describe it is to say it is green, it is about an inch in diameter, and has little bumps all over it. I am thinking it is some sort of coral and I have moved it up atleast 8 inches higher in the tank, much like my zoo.
I will try to post some more pictures later, I think I was able to get a clearer picture of the item in question, and a nicer full tank shot once all the sand settled and some of my fish came out.
From the discription it sounds like a Tonga Mushroom..... But with out a clear picture I can say for sure! I attached a pix of it for you to see one!
Do you have any Direct sunlight hitting the tank? That will cause Algea blooms!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerth6932
From the discription it sounds like a Tonga Mushroom..... But with out a clear picture I can say for sure!
Do you have any Direct sunlight hitting the tank? That will cause Algea blooms!
Not in direct light, there is a window that is relatively near by but I keep the blinds angled to keep the sun away. I started my tank along time ago and used tap water for quite some time so phosphates built up. Although there appears to be a lot of algae it is a lot better then it was in the past.
So Tonga Mushroom, I will check that out and see... Thanks


Active Member
i cant tell from the blurry pic.. could be a shroom.. get a good pic later for sure!
nothing to PANIC about i am sure! LOL
i wonder what it is too.. i just found a nice little sponge in my tank the other day.. cant wait till it gets bigger.. its underneath the rock in a dark spot and kinda hard to see, but im gonna keep an eye on it!
i got some pink things growing on some of the rocks too..
If the lights are on, snap a photo real quick.. try to use the flash, it might help.


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Originally Posted by cain420
ok.. your names are way too much alike......
You like that don't ya!!!! LOL


Active Member
Yeah, sorry for the blurry pic, for some reason anytime I try to zoom in with my camera the picture is out of focus. I actually already took a new picture which I think will be better, just have to edit it a little.
It doesn't look so much like that picture of the Tonga Mushroom. The only thing that confuses me is that I can't find a mouth anywhere..... If it is a coral I hope that moving it will cause it to grow so I can see it better...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Yeah, sorry for the blurry pic, for some reason anytime I try to zoom in with my camera the picture is out of focus. I actually already took a new picture which I think will be better, just have to edit it a little.
It doesn't look so much like that picture of the Tonga Mushroom. The only thing that confuses me is that I can't find a mouth anywhere..... If it is a coral I hope that moving it will cause it to grow so I can see it better...
I got that exact mushroom, the tonga, and it is just Green with Green frilly things around the sides, and NO mouth!


Active Member
Ok, finally, a clearer pic of the possible mushroom and one more of my tank and new rockscape with some fishes out.



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Originally Posted by Jerthunter
but it is cool looking huh?
Looks pretty sweet! What color is it exactly?