Just like riding a bike???

big trigger

New Member
Hello Everyone,
I think this site is great and it has been very useful to me. I had a fish only salt water tank in the mid 80's and had tremendous success with it. I cannot beleive the progress since. I have not had a tank for 10 years. I recently bought a new 75 gallon with complete setup. wet dry, etc and put out over $1000.00 to start. I am very serious about this hobby because what ever you put into it, it pays you back 10 time fold as most of you already know. My questions were endless until recently the people at saltwaterfish.com answered some for me. I have been reading this message board from front to back and I think my head was about to explode!! What I have learned from this so far is: 1- Be patient 2- Be thorough 3-Ask questions. I ahve decided to set up a reef tank. It has been up for 11 days with damsels and after the first week I added 11lbs of live rock. All water readings are good. First question (you knew it was comming), so many different kinds of live rock to choose from. I live in the suburbs of Philadelphia and I have five (5) different fish stores to choose from. Some rock from figi, somoa, etc. Most LR $5.99 lb some $8.99lb Is there an advantage of one LR verses another? How Much LR is usually placed in a 75 gallon tank? (excluding preference) I understand the creatures need hiding and sleeping places. I also read alot about lighting. I have a standard hood with 2 long flouresent lights. Is that adaquate for a reef tank? I asked 6 different fish smart people how long it would take to cycle and I received 6 different answers. Any help you can give this Big Trigger would be greatly appriciated.

mr . salty

Active Member
Welcome to the board. As far as the different kinds of rock, other than where it's from, there's pourosity,color,whats growing on and in it. But I think the choise is up to you and what you can get. As for how much? Ask five people, get five answers. Usually 1or2 lbs per gallon. Asfor cycling time, With live rock it goes pretty quick. But I believe every tank is different. Watch your levels. As for lighting it depends if their regular fluorecsant or not. Regular is ok for fish only but add anything else and you'll have to upgrade. STEVE


as for adding rock it is your prefrence on what type to use ( I use a little of everything ) and about 1.5 - 2 lbs per gallon of water.... if you got the $$$$$$ you can add it all right away or add as you have some to spare.... this hobby takes time, patiance, and money to be successful at this. GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!
I would hate to guess how much I have spent on the stuff I have but it would be over 35,000 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ over the last 20 yrs.