Just live rock in sump?


Can I have nothing but live rock in my sump?
What I wanted to do is buy base rock for the tank cause I don't really like the look of live rock and have the sump full of live rock,is that bad?


LR looks beautiful when covered.... i wouldn't put anything but activated carbon and other filtering devices into the sump (just the way i am). Sump is meant for filtration, while a refugium is meant for biofiltration (just my understanding and the way i have seen people use the two tank filtration systems :thinking:



Originally posted by Bot587
i wouldn't put anything but activated carbon and other filtering devices into the sump (just the way i am).

That's the reason I want to put live rock in my sump cause it works for filtration.But Im still having some live rock in the main tank too tho,just more base rock than live rock(In the tank)and I want my sump to have all the live rock that fits in there.


Active Member
Yes, that is fine. All the water in your sump eventually goes into your tank, so putting it in the sump still serves the same purpose. Just don't count on getting anything that lives off of live rock, like scooter blennies or mandarin fish. It really does not matter where your bacteria is, just as long as it is in the same water that goes into your tank.


Active Member
A lot of people have been doing this it should be okay its just more bacteria growth for the tank. Its better than using bioball in my opinion.


me and a friend used live rock in his filtration. its works wonders. he has live rock in his tank as well. looks very good. and you dont have to worry about the possibility of that nitrate spike with bio balls. glad to see some others are starting to do this.


Yeah Im having live rock in my tank too is just that most of it is going in my sump,That way my fish would have more space to swim and at the same time the live rock is still going to help my tank.But Im definately not haveing bioballs.

nm reef

Active Member
Lr in the sump isn't a problem and will provide additional biological filtration. But...why not reverse the idea...place the base rock in the sump...that way the life on your LR will benefit from the lighting in the display and the base rock will harbor bacteria...same results but with the LR under lighting critters/hitchhikers will stand a much better chance for survival.


I'll just wait and see how the live rock that im going to get looks,if it looks good enough then I'll put most of it in the tank and a little bit in the sump.