Just Look At This Terrible Stuff


I took some pics of the rusty red looking stuff on my LR. Look in the lower left hand corner near the artificial blue coral... that stuff is forming on my sand too. What clean up crew will take care of that stuff?? I had a maroon clown in this tank... he died for some reason... when this stuff is gone can I add another fish? will this stuff kill the fish? Help Please



Hard to tell from the pics. How long has your tank been set up? What are your water parameters?


Parameters look great. As I said, Can't be sure from the pics but it could be brown diatoms. It's normal in a new tank and won't hurt anything but looks terrible. Should go away with time. Make sure to use RO/DI water. If you use tap water algae blooms like diatoms will be worse. Not sure why your fish died. Maybe was sick. You should be ok to try another. Start with a false perc. They are hardy and cheaper that a maroon.