Just ordered a Picasso.


QT them, and find a food they will eat.
Not knocking or bashing ORA here, but there seems to be alot of picassos coming out that have white stringy poop, and are not eating well.
Good luck with it, and make sure to post some pictures.


Thanx for the advice. Will post a pic soon. By the way, my lfs has a snowflake also. It's going for $250.00. Does that seem high, or is it the going rate for ORA snowflakes.


Originally Posted by J-Ville
Thanx for the advice. Will post a pic soon. By the way, my lfs has a snowflake also. It's going for $250.00. Does that seem high, or is it the going rate for ORA snowflakes.

I have seen ORA pairs sell for $500-900, and have seen singles sell for $250-400.
I personally think it is a good price on it.


That guys awesome!!! I am wanting to try and breed picassos when i get my larger tank set up. I am hoping to breed them successfully, and sell them at alot lower price than 150$ like i have seen.
The picasso gene is not always passed on to the offspring. Most picasso that breed to not create picasso babies.
Snowflakes have really dropped in price with the introduction of other breeders other then ORA. I recently bought a pair for $350 shipped and they are doing great.
I bought a pair of ORA picasso from a retailer and neither one would eat anything and died within a week. First online fish I have ever had die!!! Not a good way to loose $175(that's what my pair cost and yes they were grade A). $150 each seems pretty high.


Ok maybe I'm really slow because I still don't get it. Is the picasso we are talking about the clown fish with the unusual white pattern ? I've never heard of them or seen them before but those are by far the coolist clown fish I've ever seen !


yeah, the snowflake picassos are a rare color pattern of percula clowns, which was has been bred overtime by people.
And i think, but am notpositive that the normal picasso are a pattern of the ocelaris clowns, may be wrong.
I really like the teardrop perculas! their cute.