Just ordered clown and anemone - would appreciate advice


I just ordered a Bubble Tip Anemone and a Gold Stripe Maroon - Aquacultured and I would like any advice that you care to share on acclimating, feeding, placement etc. Thanks


I've heard of people target feeding anemones 2 or 3 times per week. This guy at my LFS said that he had to feed him only once a week because he was getting waaaay to big feeding him twice a week.
About where to place it...it doesn't really matter since the anemone is definitely going to wander around until it finds it's own comfortable place place
Have you done any reserch on either one of these things yet? I'm hoping your tank is mature enough to support the BTA


i have had a long tentacle anem for awhile now and had 4 falce percs and none of them even give it the time of day.....
i tried the picture thing and nothing...
today while i picked up my fisrt coral frags i saw a lil lonely sabea clown and it was wild caught... so i bought it
when i finally put it in the tank the thing jumped right into my enem now he eats and drops food in the enems mouth amazing to see....
i think aquacultured fish will take longer to host if they do at all but i dont know anything about maroons accept they are tough guys lol ( to other clowns)


With all due respect reeferrookie I have done research. But I was actually looking for some personal experiences that are often more useful than standard research. I would be interested in your suggestions, as I am sure you are quite knowledgeable, but I guess you didn't have any. My tank has been up and running for over 10 years.
Originally Posted by domsbuddy
With all due respect reeferrookie I have done research. But I was actually looking for some personal experiences that are often more useful than standard research. I would be interested in your suggestions, as I am sure you are quite knowledgeable, but I guess you didn't have any. My tank has been up and running for over 10 years.
Well, you don't know these things till you ask,do you? Most other forums have tank info listed. I have had a BTA for about 3 years and have had none of the horror stories associated with them . I guess I have been lucky. I drip acclamated for about 2 hours matching salinity and temp. I only feed about every two weeks a small piece of silverside. When I put it in the tank ,it wandered about for a short time then settled on a small piece of LR. I moved the piece in front of a ledge in my aquascape,he moved under the ledge, and has been there ever since. It likes moderate flow and seems to get enough light from my Nova Pro unit. It took my tank raised Clown about a month to start hosting, and they have been buds ever since.
Hope I answered some questions and did not mean to be a wise guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by domsbuddy
With all due respect reeferrookie I have done research. But I was actually looking for some personal experiences that are often more useful than standard research. I would be interested in your suggestions, as I am sure you are quite knowledgeable, but I guess you didn't have any. My tank has been up and running for over 10 years.
what type of lighting? tank height? as for spot feeding the anemone I am a firm believer in doing so..small foods such and frozen plankton,mysis shrimp.and cyclopeze. avoid using larger foods which take more time to digest.. this will cause the anemone to purge undigested particles back into the tank .target feeding works best I used a syringe directly over the mouth opening.. as time goes on the anemone's tenticles will get there stickiness back and you wont have to be so accurate on hitting the mouth...as for getting your maroon to host don't be worried if the new fish does not go right to it this takes a little time..as stress from being shipped or moved does tend to reduce the fishes natural slime coat that protects the fish from the anemone's sting..I hope this helps


Originally Posted by Reeferrookie
Well, you don't know these things till you ask,do you? Most other forums have tank info listed. I have had a BTA for about 3 years and have had none of the horror stories associated with them . I guess I have been lucky. I drip acclamated for about 2 hours matching salinity and temp. I only feed about every two weeks a small piece of silverside. When I put it in the tank ,it wandered about for a short time then settled on a small piece of LR. I moved the piece in front of a ledge in my aquascape,he moved under the ledge, and has been there ever since. It likes moderate flow and seems to get enough light from my Nova Pro unit. It took my tank raised Clown about a month to start hosting, and they have been buds ever since.
Hope I answered some questions and did not mean to be a wise guy.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.


Originally Posted by unleashed
what type of lighting? tank height? as for spot feeding the anemone I am a firm believer in doing so..small foods such and frozen plankton,mysis shrimp.and cyclopeze. avoid using larger foods which take more time to digest.. this will cause the anemone to purge undigested particles back into the tank .target feeding works best I used a syringe directly over the mouth opening.. as time goes on the anemone's tenticles will get there stickiness back and you wont have to be so accurate on hitting the mouth...as for getting your maroon to host don't be worried if the new fish does not go right to it this takes a little time..as stress from being shipped or moved does tend to reduce the fishes natural slime coat that protects the fish from the anemone's sting..I hope this helps
I have 3 250 Mh and 2 180 VHO's. Tank depth is 30 inches so I'm not sure how far up or down to start it out. I would ideally like to find a place that it settles into quickly to avoid wandering around. Thank you for your suggestions on feeding.