I'm a sucker for sad stories and that LE Peter's is in memory of a little cancer patient who was a frequent visitor in this guys store.
The name of the zoa is actually
Peter's Rising Sun Zoa (limited edition)
Peter Choo
August 9, 1994-September 11, 2007
Proceeds from the sale of this coral will be donated to the following charity, you may donate directly if you do not wish to purchase this coral:
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Neuroblastoma Research Funds
In Memory of Peter Choo
Attn: Suzanne Hershowitz Dept. of Pediatrics, Box 139
1275 York Ave.
New York, NY 10065
Peter celebrated his 10th year anniversary of diagnosis on 7/31/07 as he was diagnosed in 1997 at age 2. He has never been in remission though. As he became a teenager on 8/9/07, our Roman Catholic parish priest got an instant approval from the bishop to give Peter the Confirmation on his 13th birthday. On 9/8/07, the priest came to our house to give him the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Another blessing for Peter. Back in 1998, Make-A-Wish-Foundation fulfilled his wish by sending my family to the Vatican City to be blessed by the Pope John Paul II.
Our Peter passed away very peacefully in his bedroom on 9/11/07 (Tue) at 7:45am while mommy, Jonathan, Catherine and daddy were watching.
His message to us on 9/4/07, exactly 7 days before he passed away, was "This is the message from God truly - Keep it up. Stay happy. Don't ever look down," when he had a miraculous bump after platelets transfusion from 2 to 212.
Peter had 524 bags of platelets and 172 bag of red blood cells of transfusion lifetime. May God bless you all.