just pics of a weak 75 gal.



What do you mean... weak!! Your tank looks great... you have a great variety.. and I was wondering about the eel too....


Active Member
whats attached to the ends of your spraybar??
also thats not an eel its a big engineer goby.. how big is he?? i have one that 12.5 inches ... what do you feeds him?
great tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nightstalk
are you sure tahts not an eel?
That is an engineer gobie NOT an eel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
whats attached to the ends of your spraybar??
also thats not an eel its a big engineer goby.. how big is he?? i have one that 12.5 inches ... what do you feeds him?
great tank!
It looks like them hydro rotators, you buy to go on the end of maxi-jets. But not positive.


Originally Posted by nightstalk
Is that an eel in a reef tank? I was wondering about that. What kind is it and is it working out ok for you?

no thats an engineer goby...when i got it it was about an inch long and black and white. as they grow(and he grew fast....less then 6 months to 5 or 6 inches) they turn black and yellow. but its a fish from what ive been told


Originally Posted by JayC
It looks like them hydro rotators, you buy to go on the end of maxi-jets. But not positive.

you got it....
not the best but, rotate the current somewhat


Originally Posted by psusocr1
whats attached to the ends of your spraybar??
also thats not an eel its a big engineer goby.. how big is he?? i have one that 12.5 inches ... what do you feeds him?
great tank!

my goby isnt that big...it would be great if it did get to that size but mines only about 6 or 7 inches now....cant really get a good measurment cuz hes always in and out. the only time he sits still long enough is when most of his body is hidden...lol


Originally Posted by JayC
Very Nice!! Neat spay bar.

thanks its a home made deal....it accomadates some some of my pulsing xenias they moved onto it on their own..must like the light up there... :thinking: