Just put up my MH


Yesturday I just put my custom lid up on my 75 gal tank. I put 2 250 wat 14k and 2 atinic VHO. WOW I love the color that they give off:D . What should I be getting ready for with the new mh in the tank? Anything I need to be watching out for? Algea bloom? Before this set up I was useing 2 110 VHO 50/50's. TY for any input you may have for me and my tank.


Active Member
Congratulations! Man, I hope I'll be able to do the MH upgrade some day. Any time you change your lighting you can expect some degree of algae outbreak. So, yeah, be ready for that it is pretty normal. Also, are you acclimating your tank to the new much brighter light slowly? You should start out with just a few hours of MH light a day so that you don't stress out the animals and bleach the corals. Gradually increase the time they are on until you get up to the full photo-period. This will probably take a few weeks. Adding MH light gradually will also minimize your potential for algae problems. Algae is very opportunistic. It's biggest strength is that it can grow quickly while other things are stressed out. Algae is without a doubt the fastest thing in your tank to adapt to changes. So, when you change the lights, the algae takes advantage of it right away while all your other corals are stressed.

cptn howdy


Originally posted by wwfstyle
What should I be getting ready for with the new mh in the tank? Anything I need to be watching out for? Algea bloom?

i'd say just to keep an eye out on temperature. mh's are the best lighting but they're hot. try to make sure the temperature doesn't get higher than 80 degrees if possible.


I have a 75 also and want the same lighting that you just got. can you tell me what you can keep under that light? can you keep just about anythig?


Krishj39, I didn't think about the amount of time on MH. Yesturday I put my VHO on for 1 hr then turn MH on for 9 hrs and turn them off and kept VHO on for another hr. So I guess today I'll just use the MH for say 4hrs?
Capt Howdy, I was thinking about the temp so in the process of wireing all the lights I did wire 2 120 volt fans under the MH to keep the air moveing. Yesturday I didn't have any trouble witht he temp when the MH where on.
Boy I wish I had a camera to show you guys my tank. My wife and I just sat in front of it yesturday and was just GLUED to everything in there.
Reef Monkey... Umm not sure but I beleive that you can keep anything. I'm just expanding from 2 VHO whitch I could only keep a minimal of stuff now it's like a hole new galaxy out there LOL.
Any other input would be great thx guys.

cptn howdy

metal halide's the ticket. from my understanding, you can't get really too much more ideal than MH lighting. so unless you plan on raising a 50 lb. maxima clam, feel free to splurge.

cptn howdy

also, make sure those bulbs are protected. the last thing you want is to have the slightest bit of water get on em, shatter a $85 bulb and leave shards of glass floatin in yer tank.

cptn howdy

hell yeah! i was being sarcastic in that post. hence the 50 lb. comment. most clams are gonna be about half a pound.


Reef monkey there are evan clams out there that you can have under VHO's. I dont remember the name but my lfs has 1 under his VHO for close to 9 months now. And capt howdy my MH are about 13" from the water so I shouldn't have a problem with water getting to them or the temp getting to it.

cptn howdy

the only clams that have a good shot in light other than MH are derasa's. and even if you have proper distance, i would still have them covered. after awhile the water vaper will double the wear n' tear. unless, of course, you already have the water covered.