Just recieved my Invert Package...

I just recieved my invert package that I ordered from SWF.com... Very pleased so far.. I am accimilating now. One of the Sally Lightfoots had molted on its way.... VERY COOL! I thought, "Man, one died!" Then I realized.. AHH.
Wish me luck on the accimilation process.. I had to take a personal hour just to do this. :D


Staff member
If you have snails, take time to acclimate. These creatures are very sensitive to salinity changes.


thx for the input i was always wondering how there invert packages are. let me now how everything does
What is the best way to acclimate inverts? I am getting some snails, hermits, brittle star fish, some varities of shrimp and a clam.
Any help would be appreciated.
To everyone who was wanting to know how the invert package was.. Great! I am having no problems so far!!
To Beth, Thanks for the Advice...
And to the guy about the Decorator.. My Cousin has 1 in his 125 (hitcher with his invert package) but he doesnt have any problems out of it.. So far that is...
Hope I didnt leave anyone out..
Thanks All
Whoops.. Decorator was a different post..
I knew I couldnt do it without messing up..
Also left someone out..
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