Just saved new Bubble tip shredded in powerhead


I put a bubble tip in my tank and he attached to a rock and then i turned the lights off. I guess he detached while i asleep then i woke up and he was tentacle first getting chopped up stuck to the side of my power head (propeller pump). I put what was left of the animal in my net and left it under the water right under the light. He attached to the net and put out his few remaining tentacles. Since he attached to the side of net i figured he was not dead so i put him back on a rock after a few days and turned off pumps for a while so he could settle. my question is since the bubble tip was partly shredded in the power head will the tiny pieces that spread around the tank eventually grow like a fragged mushroom or coral???


I doubt very much they will grow. BTA split when they multiply. Hopefully he will heal up. Always cover all power heads and intakes when you have an anemone. My experience with them is BTA LIKE to roam around. Now my big sebae has not moved in 2 years. A clown is hosting it so maybe that is why. The BTA doesn't have a host and it likes to move around. Please cover your power heads and intakes with a mesh, you have to anemone proof your tanks like you would your home if you had a toddler crawling around.