Just saying hello..


I'm new to Saltwater and I hope to learn a lot through this site and a lot of other sources..
I won't ask any questions until I can't find it under search.. but im sure i'll ask here and there.
well hope to gain a lot from you guys/girls. whichever.


Ask Away that is what a lot of folks come on here for is to help out the new guy. Well some come on to flame the new guy but don't let them ruin this site for you I am sure you will make mistakes along the way. That is what this site hopefully can do for you is help keep you from making those mistakes welcome


Active Member
Welcome, you can learn from our mistakes. I know I think I made about every mistake in the book. BTW what part of So Cal are you from? You can see where I am at ^.


Active Member
DITTO......I think we need a sticky on our mistakes.......like not topping off with saltwater.........


as you can see I am new also! I have been reading the boards for about two months and have purchased "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist"
by Robert Fenner and have learned so much! I just started purchasing items in the last week or two. Like everyone says patience, Patience, Patience! Enjoy