....nope, and that sounds confusing can you explain it more or something i will try, but i will have to get a photobucket...i used the "paint" thing that was in the photo tip message thing and i put it to 100 by 99 pixels or something
i think that is a good size, what do you think? I just don't want people to yell at me saying my pic is too big or something. That size is 250 pixels so its like 2 and a half times over the size....I think
I know A LOT of people that have way bigger pics than this one so I wouldnt think I would get yelled at for this size, or atleast I hope I don't
ok i will try to find some decent pics of other stuff, but i'm warning you in advance of blurryness or fish with 2 heads or something, i dont get how to take a pic when the fish are moving fast.