Just setting up a 150 Gallon


New Member
I'm a little lost and i know there are some real exsperts on here.
I've only delt with small aquariums. I have a 55 gallon right now and all I have is a clown fish cleaner shrimp firefish and a flame angel
I'm prgrading to a 150 and I'm not sure what
lighting system
UV lighting
and Protien Skimmer to purchase
Or if I'm missing anything big since its such a large upgrade
Any Advice would be GREATLY appreciated
Sorry to sound so ignorant I don't want tp upset anybody but I want to do it the right way because I've had Ich and such and it isnt fun!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by xXxFishxXx
I'm a little lost and i know there are some real exsperts on here.
I've only delt with small aquariums. I have a 55 gallon right now and all I have is a clown fish cleaner shrimp firefish and a flame angel
I'm prgrading to a 150 and I'm not sure what
lighting system
UV lighting
and Protien Skimmer to purchase
Or if I'm missing anything big since its such a large upgrade
Any Advice would be GREATLY appreciated
Sorry to sound so ignorant I don't want tp upset anybody but I want to do it the right way because I've had Ich and such and it isnt fun!!!
is this going to be fowlr or a reef set up? is the tank drilled? then we can answer more questions and you will want to keep your 55 for a qt tank answer those couple of questions first though ok...tobin


New Member
Maybe instead of uv light, why not ozone? I prefer ozone myself. Or, if your budget isnt limiting you, why not both?

al mc

Active Member
I agree with Seasalt that more info is needed to give accurate advice but I will assume that it is a 'reef ready' set up.
UV light....Coralife makes a fine one ( debateable if needed..I use one)
Skimmer: MRC2R (out of sump recirculating model) if money is not a big
concern as it is costly when you add in the two pumps and the
electric cost
Lighting: If corals present; Get unit with BOTH metal halides and T5's
(example: current's orbit)
If FOLR: simple compact fluros
Filters: Go sump/refugium: Many threads on this site or melevsreef.com
if you want a do it yourself (DIY) unit
Hope this gives you someplace to start your search....many others have other favorites/opinions


New Member
It's fish only w/lr, and we don't know what drilled means lmao.
What she needs to know is what are the must haves? Like is the protein skimmer and UV sterilizer optional, or do you need those?
What she thinks happened was there were too many fish in the 55 (2 clown, 1 yellow tang, 2 cleaner shrimp, 2 scooter blennies, 1 hippo, 1 firefish, 1 flame angel, and 1 other tang, and some other things I dont remember). Apparently her nitrite was very high even though she started doing frequent water changes, and that's what killed them. She has ~20lbs of live rock, and 40lbs of live sand. Not sure if that's not enough or what.
So any ways. She just wants to make sure she gets it right this time. Im guessing she won't do the 150, as thats a little extreme. Something like a 75 is more likely.