just some newbie stuff


New Member
couple questions here, can anyone tell me how to intice my yellow tang to eat leafy stuff? he eats the pellets and blood worms now, and loves it, but, i was just wondering, and, is it true that my power filter, the cartridges i mean, i should never change? just let them in there permanent? i have the bio balls in there too, which i know about already, my tank is running for about 2 3 months now with no deaths, which is good, but, when do i start doing the water changes? and im gonna get some more cleaner guys, but the snails and crabs, do i have to put the water in too? from the bag or just put those guys in? and how many shrimp and what kind would be good? i have a 55 gallon !!!


you could soak it in garlic to entice him-at least that is what i would do.
I would change the cartridges, just not all at once. alternate months, that way you always have some good stuff in the filters. I would go ahead and start your water changes. 30% a month, you can break it up however you like. make sure you use either R/O or distilled water to prevent massive algae buildup.
you should acclimate inverts just like you would a fish. they are senstive to salinty and ph changes.
good shrimp to have would be 4 pepermint shrimp to control apistasia, cleaner shrimp and one-only one-coral banded.
emerald crabs are great as well.
make sure you have extra shells for your hermits or they will fight to the death for shells.
having a good clean up crew will really help keep your tank clean. I would get some turbo snails as well.
hope this helps.