Just some Random Pictures


The only Reason i didnt want to post a full tank shot was because of the yellow and the Sohal. Being that when i was a newbie and hadnt discovered this site yet i didnt know any better and local fish store didnt say any different so i wound up with the two of them. Now to fix that problem i got my christmas present from my parents as a bare 280 long from a place and now currently building stand and canopy for it.


I like it. looks good just wait until it's loaded with corals that rock work will be awsome. Great tank. Those Tangs are going to love thier new home


Active Member
ur tank is amazzzinggg! i wish mine was that cool awesome job hope to see more of it in the future


Active Member
Nice set up! ***)
I gotta ask why people always want to se a full tank shot . It always just losses me .