Just started a new 20H


New Member
This is my first experience with a reef tank and here's what I got so far. Can you guys look at this and tell me if it was a deal or if I got the shaft? Thanks a lot.
20H Tank- $32
Glass Top- 17
Tetra Tec PF150- 24
T Tec Heat Capsule- 22
(Ugly) Tank Stand- 24
I also hassled one of my friends out of 20 LBS of LS and a $120 protein skimmer all for $50. Not sure what kind of skimmer it is but this guy is a big spender when it comes to his animals so I'm sure it's a good one.
Today my friend and I will be setting up the tank. As you guys can see I don't have a lighting setup or an LR yet so I think I'm gonna let the tank do it's thing while I save up money and slowly build up my LR stash and get some nice lighting. It should be well into January before I plan to put any fishies or corals into my tank. I can't wait till that day comes.


Sounds like a fairly good deal. Only suggestions would be return the glass top if your planning on having corals, and second, what kind of protein skimmer is it. You may also be able to return your bio filter(tetra pf150). I only use a skimmer in my tank. Its a SeaClone, not the greatest, but its working well for my size tank.


Active Member
I too have a a 20 tall and I only use a tetra tec filter and LS and LR on it for filtration. No skimmer. Run one carbon pad and change it monthly. I also do a monthly 2-5 gallon water change on the tank.
If I could fit it in I'd get a skimmer for it but so far so good. I'll try and get some updated pictures with my crappy camera for you.
Lighting suggestion: 2 24" VHO lights runnign off of a workhorse 7 ballast. Easy to wire and provides great light. I used 2 50/50 bulbs but I'd go witha 50/50 and a tru actnic light if I had time to do it over again. I think this woudl give you a lot of lighting to get started.
Good luck!


New Member
I don't remember what kind of skimmer I got. I just bought as a package with the LS. I think I'll keep it since it was pretty much free. If nothing else it will just help me keep the water flowing in the right direction. My friend who works at a pet store with me already has the lighting planned out so I should be in good shape. I wanna keep the glass top with my corals so that I can keep the evaporation and the splash down. I'll just have to remember to keep cleaning the salt cake off of the glass so that the corals can get good lighting. Thanks for the tips.


Active Member
The filter you got will really only be used for water flow in the tank. You do need it but not for the filtration it provides. The good thing about what you bought is you can place the heater in it and i'm sure it has ample space to run carbon which helps to clarify the water. A sponge filter in the flow of the water can collect large particles but must be cleaned periodically, if the sponge is left sitting without cleaning it can collect waste and cause nitrate problems. You're live rock willl do all the filtering of the water you need :)


Active Member

Originally posted by bdhough
The filter you got will really only be used for water flow in the tank. You do need it but not for the filtration it provides. The good thing about what you bought is you can place the heater in it and i'm sure it has ample space to run carbon which helps to clarify the water. A sponge filter in the flow of the water can collect large particles but must be cleaned periodically, if the sponge is left sitting without cleaning it can collect waste and cause nitrate problems. You're live rock willl do all the filtering of the water you need :)

I disagree ... the tetratec is a great place to run carbon and other pad filtration (such as phosphate pads/sponges) plus it can also be set to provide a surge output out of one of the two nozzles.
I realize many people think HOB filters are passe but to say a filter will only be used as wtare flow is inaccurate.
Granted it is not an awesome filter and I would not use it as my sole filtration but it sounds like with the LS and LR and skimmer ElMono picked up he should be set on filtration.
ElMono - I'd seriosuly think about setting up a drip and getting rid of the glass tops. I used acrylic tops for a short period of time (like 1 1/2 months) and even though they were partial they were a pain .....


New Member
Maybe I will get rid of the glass tops if they're that much of a problem.
I think my skimmer was a prizm something or other made for a 100 gal tank. Does that sound correct?


Active Member
I am not familiar with prizm skimmers but I think that it will at least be another means of providing some filtration and moving water!
When will you be setting up the tank??


New Member
The tank is all setup except for the lighting. I'm waiting on about 100 dollars that I should be getting from ---- soon. Right now it's got about 25 lbs LS and 1.75 LBS LR so it looks pretty bare. I set the tank up 2 days ago so by the time I get my money from ---- and special order the lights the tank will have finished its cycle and I should be ready for fish.


Active Member
once you add the lights you might kick of an algea bloom which would kick off a mini cycle so be cautious of that!
What type of lights are you ordering??


New Member
I think I'm getting 10,000 something and an actenic light. I'm not really sure. My friend that works with me is getting me all set up with this stuff.
Also, I've had a problem with the little black "bugs" that swim around in the LR dying and coming to the surface. Is this anything to worry about? I can't figure out why they're doin this since the tank is just cycling.


Active Member
SOunds like Metal Halide Lighting....
Do you understand what happens in a typical cycle?? I'd highly recommend checking out the library and getting a book on keeping marine or saltwater fish. The conscientious Marine Aquarist (sold here in the dry goods section) is a great beginners book).
I will also try to post a link to a website that should help you.
Little black bugs?? Can you get a picture? Could be pods, gam. shrimp, hydroids, brine shrimp, flatworms ....


New Member
I'm not sure what all a cycle involves. I just got involved in this hobby. I'll read those links you suggested.
About the bugs. I had one of my friends look at it. He's a saltwater guru and he said not to worry about it. I'm gonna bring a water test into work today to see what the readings are. I'll post back what I find. Thanks again for the help.


New Member
Oh boy! I'm so excited! I just got my first salt water fish! I got my water tested today and found that it was cycling but it was going a little slow. My fish guru told me that I should look into pickign up an extra piece of LR and a Damsel. I got that and a bottle of prime. He said to aclimate the fish VERY slowly since my levels were still a bit off. He seems pretty stressed out right now but I'm sure that's normal since the water's a little off and the tank is a new environment for him. I'm gonna see how this damsel goes and maybe I'll trade him back in a couple of weeks for the percs that I want.


Active Member
I don't like the idea of using a live fish to start or help speed up a cycle - a piece of raw shrimp would do the same thing and you would not have to worry about catching it latter on!!
Have you checked out those links I posted?? Please don't take any one person's advice in this hobby - get some information, read, cruise the message board and form your own opinions and thoughts. Catching a damsel can often times mean re-arranging your whole tank.
Good luck and remember that the slowest approach is usually the fastest approach to what you want. (take it slow and do itright or hurry and have to do it multiple times)......


New Member
Well I think the fecal matter from the damsel did the trick. The tank appears to be through the first cycle. (As far as I can tell according to my water tests and the links you gave me in earlier posts). My damsel was a little stressed out and got an eye infection so I took him back so he could be treated without me having to add medicine to my tank that would kill my bacteria. I picked up some hermit crabs and I think I'm gonna get a blue chromis instead of that other damsel that I returned. I'm gonna introduce this new fish as easy as I can. I'm gonna add an inch every 5 minutes until the bag is all the way full. I'm gonna do this at night once all my lights are off so hopefully I'll keep the stress off this little guy as much as I can.
I've been talking to no less than 4 people about each move I've been doing on my tank. At the pet store I work at there are 4 people that I would consider to be very well versed in saltwater care.
About the rearranging of the tank to get the damsel. It was so funny. I didn't even have a net so my friend just went after the damsel with a plastic bag...and he got him after only 2 min of trying! This guy has had a lot of experience bagging fish at the pet store. But I will keep your advice in mind about not getting fish that I don't plan on keeping.
Thanks again for all the help. Feel free to post any more comments about what I'm doing. Thanks so much.


New Member
Ah yes, the ole' damsel cycling approach. It's a good method. Its a hardy fish, and gives you something to look at while your tank cycles. Give it some time, and you'll have an excellent mini-reef.