Just starting a new tank


It has been about 10 years since I have had a saltwater tank setup. My tank years ago was for only a short period of time and the setup I had before was very make-shift where I just threw a bunch of stuff together.
I have recently acquired a new tank and filter setup (i think it is 55 gal). It has an overflow going into a sump filter which has bio filters using filter media which rotates on a wheel. I'm told this builds up a nice amount of bacteria for filtering. There would also be live rock, plants and crushed coral in the filter, and then get the water returned to the tank via the pump.
I'm told by my cousin who is giving me the tank, that it is a VERY good setup, but I wanted to double check. Also, there is a protein skimmer.
1. Can I setup this tank up with just live rock to start for a couple of weeks/a month until I get a couple of fish. Will the live rock die without any fish or corals in the tank? Do I have to feed the tank to keep the rock alive?
2. Then, my intention would be to start with a couple of clown fish. Is that okay?
3. I don't have a RO or DI system for my water, is there some additives that I can buy so that I can use tap water?
4. What kind of lighting should I have if I want to stimulate the purple/orange coraline algae, and I eventually want corals but not a priorty to start.
Any help is appreciated.


1. Yes, live rock is fine to start. No it doesn't need fish. And if you are thinking of leaving it for a month, that's probably close to how long it will take to cure, but all tanks are different. I was planning on leaving mine up for about 3 or 4 months before adding any fish.
2. Clown fish to start would be fine.
3. Everyone screams about RO/DI systems, but I am planning on using tap water that has been treated, and sitting for 24 hours with an air pump in it to do water changes. I will be attacked for that, but I live in an area with great water and know whats in the water. Some tap water is high in nitrates, and phosphates, and some other compounds that are not good for a tank. It's always better to use RO/DI if you have access to it, but it's an expense that I personally don't think is worth it. Not where I live anyway.
4. Someone will have to help with this one, but depending on the type of corals you might need to get a metal hallide light fixture. They are spendy to say the least. You could start with something else a VHO or a T5, but those aren't much cheaper. My plan is to get a retrofit kit of T5's and make a hood that will eventually have an hallide in the middle. That way I can upgrade and just add the ballast and fixture and not have to start over all together. I would have T5 for now and then both later when I could afford to add the light and the coral/clams.
Hope this helps if I have made an error anywhere someone correct me


Active Member
Yes you should set up your tank with just Live rock and sand for atleast a few weeks to let the tank cycle. Clown fish are good to start with, just make sure you ammonia and nitrite levels have dropped back down to zero first. They do sell additives for tap water. LFS's usually sell RO water for about 50 cents/gallon. I prefer that over additives. For coraline growth you need to have some introduced to the tank. Then keep your calcium level between 400-450. Good Luck!


My understanding is, if I buy Fiji Live Rock that it will come with a nice amount of coraline to start. Is that correct?
Also, if I stimulate coraline algae with high light, will that also encourage the ugly algae too?


New Member
yes. you need RO water. Unless if you find nuisance algae to be something aesthetic and beneficial to your system. If you use RO water, you will not regret it. Your system will also look a lot more clean.


I am just starting my first tank and I have been told start with live rock and live sand for a week and then slowly add fish. Percula Clownfish are great to start with.