Just starting. Compatability questions.


New Member
I've just recently been given a 45-gallon tank from a friend of mine, who set it up for me and prepared the water. It's currently been running for about a week, and I have enough questions to bother any expert in this hobby with. I've been keeping freshwater fish for years, but saltwater is a whole new thing.
So far, all I have is a live rock. I've been told I'll have to wait about 2 more weeks before putting in fish.
Are there any sites or books that could help me in deciding what types of fish/invertabrates/ect. are ok living together? Any general tips from experienced hobbyists are greatly appreciated as well.
First off...Welcome to the board :)
This site is an invaluable source of information regarding your questions. How much LR do you now have? (lbs wise). Is it uncured? How are you cycling your tank? You can read for hours in the Fish Discussion portion of this board and you will find information on just about every fish there is, compatability issues, care levels, special needs etc etc.
When you say you were told you have 2 more weeks to wait before adding fish......might I ask who told you this? You want your tank fully cycled before adding any fish and the ONLY way you will know that is by testing your water regularly...ammonia, nitrites, nitrates etc. I would even suggest once your tests show zeros, take a sample to your LFS and ask them to test it as well to confirm your readings. In the meantime, read as much as humanly possibe....the information you gain now will reduce your headaches down the road.
Best of luck to you on your new hobby, it is a very satisfying experience to own a little piece of your very own ocean :)