Just starting my tank back up..help me stock it


I just moved about 3 months ago so i wanted to completely redo my tank. I have a 55 gal with 40lbs of live sand and 25 lbs of live rock along with about 30 of base. Im getting some more live sand (15-20lbs) and live rock(10-20lbs) compliments of RobChuck who lives by me.
I currenlty only have a percula clown and a small lunare wrasse in the tank (the swim together all the time) and i am wondering what else i should add. i want my tank to be as colorful as possible but i can only afford FOWLR..i cant quite afford the lights and corals yet but i just graduated college and in a few years will do a major upgrade. But until then what should i stock my tank with to get the most color and have all my fish get along. Also, what do you suggest for a cleanup crew. thx