Just Starting out


New Member
Hello Everybody,
I am going to set up a salt water tank, probably 55 gallons to start with. I want to do research before I do though to make sure I get the right equipment, how to set it up, and so on. Does anyone know of any good websites to do research on Salt Water tanks.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You,


Welcome!! This site is BY FAR the most helpful I have found!! I have learned soo much by reading all the posts on here. Also, a good book is helpful. I got (because of many recommendations on here) The Conscienctious Marinine Aquarist and it is easy to follow and very useful...Good Luck!


first of all be ready to spend alot of money.
i would get the biggest tank you could afford. we started with a 55 and 1 month later we realized it was to small for the fish and corals we wanted. i would consider a 75 at least. i wouldnt waste monet on a 90 because all it is is another inch taller. I have my reef in a 75 and eventually i will be switching tanks i will switch them into my 100 where my agressive fish are and put my agressive fish in a 300
the only way to get familiar with everything is just to keep posting questions on this board and you will learn fast.


Well If this is your first time with a salt water aquarium I wouldnt go spending tons of money on a huge tank. We bought a 48 gallon long, its a good size and there's plenty of room for what we wanted. We didnt know fish about fish when we started and it was a learning expeience, its was great. LoL..Here's a funny story: We were so inexpierenced we put dead rocks in our tank..lol just 2 of them. And then we put damsels in (2). And then we talked to someone who said Live Rock and we were like whats that?? LoL well come to find out its only the like most important addition to a tank. Funny huh??lol We hadnt lost anything we added to our tank until we put in a arrow crab. Then we lost our mandrine and a few little crabs. And we lost our star fish. I wouldnt suggest putting those into a tank unless its excellent water condition, i personally think they are very sensitve to nitrates anf bad stuff like that. Well Ive rambled on enough, good luck. BTW-This is all just my opinion, and personl expeience-