Just thought I would show you my new reef tank.........just bought

chef jaysen

Well here it is......Havent got it home yet but more pics will follow when it does come home with me. Its a custom 275 gallon with massive pumps/skimmer/6 6 foot vho's/ sump and stand. How much you ask.........Hate to tell ya.......but 2k.......More pics to follow on this massive reef.........cheers.

chef jaysen

Honestly, It will mostly be a large reef with some nice powder blue tangs. I just want an impressive reef with some fish. A long road ahead of me.......cant wait.......:cool: :D


drool....... thats awsum, but now i have to hate u cuz im jelous!jk
i wish i could have sumthin like that, nice and big. good luck and have fun


that's an awesome looking tank i to am very jealous but i think my apt is a little to small for a tank that big guess i'll have to wait till i buy a house.


Veerrry impressive.
Best of luck on setting that monster up. I'm fairly overwhelmed on getting my 75 up and going - I couldn't imagine 200 gals more!


Active Member
WOW! One warning though, after seeing the pic of what you are going to stock it with you'd better watch out for the green algae;)


Chef, I gotta a feelin' I can't afford to eat at your restaurant. Nice Tank, you should be able to raise all sorts of seafood in there!!!


Post some pics when you get it set up. Man you will have a fortune in rock loaded in that thing by the time you are done.
I'm curious where you are putting it? A basement or are you just on 1 floor. I only have a 55 gal I just bought and built it into the wall of my split level at the staircase. (picture attached) With that weight I didn't think I could take a chance on anything larger. My house is still a construction zone. I did get talked into changing the CC to sand this weekend from the advice of this board.


Active Member
275!!!! trying to show me up Huh:mad:
Good for you, Good luck,
lets see about 3 1000 watters should do fine:D