just used chemi clean

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
i just used chemi clean to get rid of a little cyano problem. I have a 58 gallon tank but with all the rock, sand, ect i have about 50 gallons of water. So i put in 5 scoops (1 scoop per 10 gallons). My question is, it says do a 20% water change after the full dose. Does that mean do it tomorrow?? I have the water ready for change so i can do ASAP.


Staff member
Check the tank out tomorrow to see if you are pleased with the result. If not, then you can dose a 2nd time, then do the water change on the 3rd day. Don't overdose. You problaby have less then 50 gals in that tank.


Active Member
I never did a WC after using chemi clean- i think they say that b/c it also breaks down other organic waste and puts it into the water to be filtered out- Doing a WC just ensures the ammonia wont cause problems but i tested after i dosed and i never say and spikes

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
well i figured cyano was more related to a disease;wasnt strictly to reef tanks, not to fish, and not something only new hobbiests encounter. So i put it here, sorry it didnt fit into your category. Thanks everyone else.
Beth i figured with my 20 gallon sump, prob about 10 gallons in there, and a 5 gallon fuge i had close to 50 gallons.


Staff member
As long as you are sure about your actual gals, that is good. I did contact the manufacture of chemiclean, and they emphasized the need to be precise about actual water volume.
Water readings do not tell everything. The fact that chemiclean is a "waste" eliminator tells you that a water change is in order so that waste that has been dislodged on rocks, glass and sandbed, is exported. In addition to your filter picking it up, water change remains #1 good choice for waste export. The use of this chemical should coincide with maintenance on the tank and include a large water change.