just when things were looking good


Active Member
I have had post on here about my Coral Beauty having a cloudy eye, and have since put into a hospital tank treating with hypo and the cloudy eye went away, but still leaving in that tank. I now see "thorn" looking things coming out of its gills (1 per side) purple in color (seems to of happened overnite). I remembered reading a post on this a few weeks ago and did a search on the replies, but no info was in that post. Is this a normal "mature" feature (its about 3 1/2") or is there something wrong? CB is still doing its normal thing, eating well, etc. no signs of stress. I tried to take pics but my web came took blurry pics and I couldn't clear it up. The thorn looking things are coming out from its gills toward its mouth. thanks for the patience with this never ending CB problems.


Staff member
Yeah, I think Terry was trying to respond to that, but I don't know what came of that thread. I'd suggest that if you don't get an ans tonite, that you post a "TERRY HELP" thread. Terry is usually on late nite.


Active Member
Thanks Beth, but I think I figured it out. Once I was able to go raid the book store, I looked up a picture of the CB in a couple books and those ones had those purple things out of the gills too. So I am assumming it is something that happens at maturity. The only reason I got a little worried was because I remembered that other post, but on that post the person said their CB had clear ones not purple like mine, but maybe it turns purple and I missed them while they were clear. ;)