just wondering what everyone thinks about using sea water?


ok, i really have no choice but to buy this Nutri-SeaWater from my lfs, as they don't sell premixed salt water. it says it's actual sea water w/ some added nutrients, claims to be "live" water.
i don't know, has given me any problems yet, i was just curious....
and i always top off w/ RO water from the machine at walmart. it's less than a mile from me so even if i do run out of water i just go to town....


Your best bet is to buy a few of the 5 Gal jugs and fill them with the RO water from walmart. Then buy some salt, a spare heater, a power head, and a big rubbermaid container to mix your water in for about 24 hours. Thats what I do and it works really well.


yes i know, but i live in quite a small dorm room, and i barely have room for any water jugs, let alone room to mix my own water.
and plugging in MORE stuff? i think w/ all the stuff we have now, we'd prolly blow a fuse! two computers, fidge, microwave, tv, my tank, 3 lamps, 2 of 5 fans that we turn on occasionally.
it's just not practical.....


it's alright. i don't have a problem w/ it. well, except that the lfs only carries it in 4.4 gal jugs which are quite heavy for me as my tank is up at shoulder height, so i have to siphon the water into a smaller container until the jug is less full. and that jug costs $14.99!! :scared:
my tank is only 5 gal though so i don't go through the water TOO quickly! lol


Is there a Deathco near by? They sell 5 gal of saltwater for $10. You could go that route. What do you have in a 5 Gal tank?


nope. no deathco, or any other pet store for that matter. not unless i wanna drive to ft. wayne, which is only 30 min. away, but i don't have time to go there, or the money just to go buy water....


i have a false percula clownfish, a brittle star, 3 hermit crabs, some pulsing xenia, not exactly sure how much lr... actually, no idea at all, my mom gave it to me from one of her tanks.