Just wondering...


Had a small problem... tank was going along perfect 2months... did a large water change to try and get nitrates ultra low so I could get the reef going... but cause a slight ammonia/nitrite spike (1 week now).... still waiting for it to come down... will anything help speed this up or do you know how long to wait??? My Tang is fine and i have 2 yellow damsels and 8 hermits and 2 turbo snails (big). 54 gal with 55 lb live rock.... thanks... oh brown algae bluming since.


Just leave your tank alone and let it finish its cycle again. Don't do large water changes. Do small ones every week. What kind of water are you using? If it is tap water then you are probly starting off with natrates. My tap water came out at 10. So, try to use RO water or distilled water to lower your nitrates. Your alge or diatoms should go away in a few weeks. I would not do anything to your tank until your levels go down.