Just Wondering


I have a 75g with CC. With no more than I have in it, (see below).
keeping the water stable is no prob. But I still get so much build up in the CC, that I do water changes just to vacum it. Is there something that will vacum the CC and return the water to the tank? I do plan on going DSB one day, When work picks up again. Just wondering, You know how we're always looking for a better way.


Active Member
You could always look at building a clean up crew for your tank. 1 blue leg hermit isn't going to cut it. I would research about what might help your situation, but highly recommend looking at swf.com's u-build it package. I put one together about two months ago, and couldn't be happier.


Active Member
Several ways. The problem is, no matter how much filtration to the CC your doing, your still sending back the minute detrius which can cause a build up of polutants in the water.
Some connect them to a canister Vac and so it that way. Some use a micron bag over a bucket and then return the water after done.
The best thing to do, is to replace the water with fresh make up.


Thanks ya'll, and thats a good point about the minute detrius wamp. But would'nt my skimmer take care of most of that?