Juvenile Clown Trigger



I have had a baby clown for about a month and a half. Last nite he was very active, this morning he wasn't out at his usual time when I turned the light on. After waiting 5 minutes, I put food in the tank to lure him out. To no avail, I feared the worst, I lifted some of live rock and later I found him. When I found him he was curling to a rock (sticking to it, a defensive move I hope) , and he even let me touch him, which never happens. My first question is:
Do you think he's ok?
What are some of the causes associated with the high juvenile mortality rate of Clown Triggers?
Any help could truly be appreciated.


Thanks chrisfish. I truly hope he's ok. It's hard to concentrate at work because i'm so worried.
Anyone else?


well I don't know much about clown triggers but I do know something about fish.
I would like to ask you about your tank:
how big is it ? I just learned that a clown trigger needs at least a 125-150g tank
How long has your tank been running?
I would think that you need a well established tank before you add a clown trigger
how are your water parameters?
try and give some more information about your setup and maybe some of the more senior members of this board can help you out.
like I said, I don't know much, but ALOT of folks here do
I hope I helped


I was just being paranoid. He is doing fine now. I guess he just wanted to be a lazy

. As for my tank size, I have a 75 Gallon tank. I will upgrade when the Clown Trigger gets bigger. He's not in there yet however, he's my roomates fish and reef tank. He hasn't bothered things yet, maybe he's too small to bother things. Its socializing him to get used to fish.

b volitans

I had a clown trigger for a while and that behavior is just what they do. When they go to sleep, they find a spot or a hole on your LR and "lock" their triggers to hold them in place while they sleep... Also if you start disturbing the Tank the fish starts looking for a hiding place to "lock" themselves into. I would not worr, your fish is fine.
As for your Tank size; A 75G has plenty of room for a Clown trigger up until about 8"-9". then A minimum of 100G long would be and acceptable tank for an adult trigger. They get big but they rarely over 15".