juvenille to adult


Say I want to raise juvenille fish. Is there any profit if i have them for a year and sell them as adults. So as to keep a smaller tank in my apartment.


i cant really think of any fish that will mature that fast in a year.where as you can make money off of them. i have a imperor angel that has adult makeing.however when somethink like that happens its really rare. you may want to keep it in that case. i dont like to trade prize fish. only the easly replace fish like clowns and hawks ....stuff like that. a year is too soon i would think. however if you just want to get rid of them once they get to big for the tank that sounds good. i honestly think by then think you may want another tank or a bigger one.
this stuff is highly addictive.
<img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


Active Member
it is stressful to move fish(which can cause disease), so i don't like the idea of borrowing them WE ARE ADOPTING THEM, especially to try and keep larger species in tanks not reccommended for them, if that is your intent


not really my intent but i would like to have around 4 fish in my tank right now i have perc. and a powder blue. I would like to have 2 more fish but for a 55 gal. tank i dont know if thats ok. so i woould have to get smaller fish


Active Member
you should probably get something other than the tang, yes, and general rule is 1 inch per 5 galons(at fishes maturity), but sometimes this can be pushed a bit, i would consider going wiht a couple of smaller fish, yes, what other fish were you thinking about?
and do you have lr,, are you thinking a reef, or is it gonna be fish only?


with a sergeon tang i would go with a smaller fish. he will get really large. they love to swim and req excellent water. (be sure to start a Q-Tank soon if you have not already)
depending on the size of the fish.i dont think a 55 long is even big enough for that type of fish. i would jump to a 110 or 25. about 6 feet or so. they really need room to swimm. needless to say i would go with a smaller line up. if money is a factor with a longer tank..........look in the news paper or a local trading paper. save about $400. i am sure you will find something. it ounds like you really want the bigger prettier fish, however you know the tank is to small.


you nailed it livingwater i know its small but i like the fish. can someone offer input for how to make it look good with small fish that have some color....I hope to slowly convert to reef


are all those kinds of fish you mentioned interactable in a not killing each other sort of way. And if i convert to an allout reef do i have to take fish out


might i also suggest to go with is not the norm. maybe a snowflake eel. very easy to take care of and when they move.aww its beautiful! and they are reef safe. a yellow or purple tang. a flame hawk. a really nice set of large clowns(your pick) a dwarf angel, like a coral beauty or a flame angel. you can add a heppetus tang with your yellow or purple tang. a powder blue tang is really pretty however your tank is small. if you get one get it really small. you can get a really small powder blue tang and a yellow and a another tang of different color and shape. you can even go with a pink tailed trigger. thay are pretty reef safe. if you are not going to reef yet get a nice niger trigger. i say start looking. name 5 fish that youlike the most and get them. if one is not compatible with ther other cross it off. start iwht number one. the powder blue tang. if number 4 is not compatible skipp it and go to number 5 fish on your list. make a list from 1 thru 10. once you have your list then start to buy.however research all fish first. i am having that problem with my 300g. i dont know if i want to go fish only or reef and fish. its like 52inches tall so light would be like $1000 i am sure if i do reef and i do it right. the hell with just polyps and mushrooms. if i do it i am going the whole 9 yards