Hi jwtrojan44,
Thanks for your reply and suggestions. The clown is the biggest at about 4". The Humu Humu and Dogface are both juvi's as well 2-3". The lionfish actually looks bigger when he's strectched out but I'd say he is the smallest fish in the tank.
I guess what I'm getting at is they are all about the same size, but the clown is getting thick. I appreciate your honesty, and will not add any more fish to the tank.
I will definetly keep a look out for my triggers messing with it. They do seem to keep to themselves in my tank, but of course you never know.
I noticed this morning that the lionfish is out and about, whereas the last two days he was hanging out on the backside of a rock.
The guy at the LFS assured me that he doesn't feed is fish live food. So he threw in some frozen prawns, and the lionfish did eat. Oh, but get a load of this: He asks another guy to get some food to feed the lion (after he tell me no live food) and the kid comes back with a goldfish in a net! But nevertheless he looked good and did eat the frozen food.
Thanks for your help and advice.
Originally posted by jwtrojan44:
<strong>How big is the lion in relation to the other fish? Can you give approximate sizes of what is in the tank? Having the lion for three days, it is not uncommon for it to resist eating as it still may be acclimating to the surrounds. What was it eating at the lfs? I'd also not discount the idea that it may feel a bit intimidated by those other fish. I'm going to say that I think you're quite heavily stocked for your size tank and depending on the size of the fish now, you'll need to upgrade at some point. Another thing to consider is that riggers often like to pick at lionfish fins. It's not a given, but if it happens, it can stress a lion to the point of death. With regards to feeding, try target feeding the lion using a skewer with apiece of silverside, krill, clam, etc.. on the end. Dangle it in front of him to simulate live prey and see if he takes it. If not, hold off until the next day and try again. Lions don't need to eat every day. I fed mine three times a week and they did quite well. It sounds as though he's going to have his work cut out for him with the triggers competing for food, so getting the food right to him will be important until he starts eating on his own.</strong><hr></blockquote>