k...just a little question


i have a 10 gallon tank...I got two clowns, same kind and bought the same day. I have had them for about a month now. The larger one is chasing the smaller one like mad...he is loosing his color and just doesnt look good. I asked this yeserday, and im pretty sure its a game of who is female and who is not. I was wondering, if I got a firefish, would that be too much for my 10 gallon? (making it 2 clowns and one firefish) THought it might give hime somthing else to chase instead of the one... I love the firefish! However, i love my water quality more.


Active Member
No more fish. Personally, a 10G tank is too small for 2 clowns for they will get about 4 inches each. Now for the clown behavior - yes, one is turning into a female and ready to breed. The reason for one of your clown not looking good is because it is in stress. You need to get a bigger tank for the clown for has no where to hide from the aggression by the female clown.