Kalk mixing problems


Mixing 1 tsp Kalk/gallon RO/DI. Phosphate level 0. I let it sit for hours after mixing, yet it never develops that clear supernatant-It stays cloudy. Is it supposed to be crystal clear or will it be slightly cloudy? Confused.

mr. tuna

Active Member
to get perfectly clear.. it can take a day. But you can still use it hours after mixing it even if its a bit cloudy. Works fine! :yes:


Haze, I have the same problem and have asked the same question. Heck, I let it go days and it never cleared completely. I also use RO/DI. I finally called the manufacturer and they stated that it is normal for the water to remain somewhat cloudy. Just don't use the sediment on the bottom or the top. You may not always get any on the top.


I went out and bought a jar of naturreef brand kalk. Mixed 1 tsp per gallon and there is clear supernatant after 1 hour. Something must be different about the kent product.


Yes, that is possible. I have found a way to make the Kent product clear though. Do a search on using vinegar with the Kalk here on Saltwater.com threads. That seems to do the trick and it's supposed to do a lot more beneficial things.