Kalkwasser ?


Everything I have read says to drip kalkwasser into the sump slowly. What I want to know, is how slow is slow? I have built a drip system for my sump using a tupperware container and a plastic air valve and it works great, but how fast should it drip in? DPS (drips per second)??????


from my understanding you replace the water that is lost due to evaporation with it. I read this thing a recipe for coraline algae and it said "substitute the kalk every 4th time with reef builder" I tried it and my reef turned purple , and feather dusters poped up everywhere !!!
PS: I filled the tank up marked my sump and waited 24 hours and measured the amount of water losted by the cup.


Stay away from Kalkaswasser! Use sea chem products and your tank should be perfect. Reef Builder, Reef Advantage, Reef Calcium, and Reef Plus. You can't go or should I say grow wrong!


New Member
Why so slowly? I can understand that about the main tank, but the sump? What are the consequences of dripping (or pouring) too fast?

mr . salty

Active Member
Obviously,anything you put into the sump,will be in the tank in a matter of minutes,or seconds. If you pour it in you will overdose the tank water........STEVE


Well i have heard of it but never found out what it is and since this is a bulletin board i knew that I could ask. What exactly is Kalkwasser?


It comes in a powder that you mix with water and then drip into your tank. It contains high levels of calcium to keep your calcium levels where they should be.


Kalkwassar- calcium Hydroxide dosing at to fast a rate will cause your P.H. to rise