
I just ordered the Kent AquaDose and the Kent Kalkwasser mix.
How do I do this now I need help?
I purchased the 450 g jar and the 2.5 gallon aquadose. My tank is well listed below.
How do I figure out the drip rate?
And are there any rules or precautions to mixing water and kalk?
I want to do this right.
Adam :D
use no more than 2 teaspoons per gallon of water. Mix and let sit for a few hours. A white powder will form on the bottom with a hard crust on top. You want the stuff in the middle. What I do is shypon when ever I need to refill. Use a drip rate of about one drop per second. I like to dose at night since Kalk will raise your PH.
What do I do with the powdery white stuff?
How often should I use the kalkwasser. Every day for evaporation?
Do I leave the protein skimmer running or do I turn it off or down?


You only have to use 1 teaspoon per gallon any more with be wasting the kalk. The water will on hold so much kalk in a solution and that is it. Put more will do nothing but waste it. The best way I have found to mix the kalk is go to wal-mart and get a 2 gallon water dispenser. This will have a spout on it where you can drain the water off. Mix the kalk in there and let it sit a few hours there will be sediment on the bottom and scum on the top. Drain the kalk mix with the spout till the scum reaches the spout then stop. It will give you the liquid in between easyly without having to siphon in the middle with an air tub. When you mix the kalk in the water dispenser place the dispenser in such a way that the sediment will settle opposite the spout, then after it settles slowly turn the dispenser correctly that way your sediment will be far away from the spout and none will go in the bucket you are draining it in. I like to drip two drips per second.


you can leave the protein skimmer on and drip the kalk at night or early in the morning when the lights are out.