
fla. keys

Couple more questions.
Please tell me what you all think.
What happens if I add the kalkwasser directly to my tank by pouring it very slowly and say waiting a few minutes and pouring some more(ie.Not the drip method)????? Will this be ok? Or will it be bad?
Also how much solution should I be adding each day? A cup? 2 cups? Please help. I have no idea.
I really at this point have no way to do the drip method. I mean I do have some extra airline tubing but that is all.
Lastly I understand you only want the clear solution and not all the white sediment from the bottom? Is this correct? How about the film on the top, do I avoid this or add this to the tank as well? Does it matter if i mix the kalk with warm or cold water?
Sorry for all of the questions, but you all are good at this and I am confused on this topic.
I just want the coraline algea (purple/red) to start growing.
Thank U.


Active Member
You could add very small quantites of kalk by hand - but this will become very time consuming and you run the risk of adding too much too quickly. The limewater has a very high pH of somewhere around 12.5, and if added too fast you can pH shock your tank and stress out the fish/inverts for sure, as well as change the ionic balance of alk and calcium levels. Not the recommended way at all.
The amount to add depends on your tanks calcium requirements. Sounds like you have little coralline algae or calcium demanding corals ... so really you're just trying to get your calcium level up .. right ?
Many people add kalk at night to replace water that has evaporated from the tank during the course of the day. That is very common. Other's add kalk on a rotating day basis.
There is no rule of thumb, but I will say this.
Monitor your pH close as you add the limewater.
Your pH level should not exceed 8.6 or you are adding it too fast. 8.4 would be even better.
Slow dosing is the key here ....
Get yourself a Kent doser - about $15.00 bucks or so if you must, or make one like a lot of folks have done.
I made one for $4.00 and it holds 2 gallons of kalkwater.
Use only the clear solution, not the stuff at the top or bottom.


Active Member
I had the same concern when I first started with Kalk. I ended up only using it when I do top-offs. I add Kalk to my 5g bucket of top-off water, let it sit over night, the siphon it very slowly into my tank, into a high current to get it mixed in quickly. My calcium is pretty stable at 450 now. This is much easier for me (rather than doing a little every day), and seems to cause less stress on the fish.