

Need help mixing it!When i mix it to 1 galloon distilled water i check the ph and the ph is purple which would be above nine.How do i lower it or is it ok as long as it is not below 8.0. I;ve tried getting it just right but it is so sensitive small amount changes it big time.would appreciate some input for all of you.New to this mix


The pH will be very high, that is why it is reccomended that you drip it into your system. I use pickling lime and mix 1 tsp in 2 quarts of water. After it has settled, I use the clear solution and drip it in overnight or longer depending on how well I regulate the drip.


The ph of kalk that is fully saturated is just above 12. This is why it is recommended to drip it in.
I see that you have a 75 gallon tank. I do also. What I do is mix in 1/4 level tsp of kalk to a gallon of water. Gently shake it every couple of minutes for about 10 minutes then dump it in my sump over a period of about 5 minutes. I evaporate 2 gallons of water a day. So far I can keep up with my Ca and Alk demands just fine and the corals show no ill affects.
It is better to drip though and I keep a careful eye on the tank so I notice anything out of whack. I don't recommend dumping it in if you arien't up to observing the tank. Especially if your Ca demand goes up.
If your aneonme deosn't like it then discontine other wise it should work.
Hope it helps.