Keep Getting Shocked!!!! Help


Today I installed my mag drive 2400 on my 210 gallon saltwater fish only tank. I'd used it for a while but the impeller broke and today I recieved the new one in the mail so I put the pump back on but now I keep getting shocked when I put my fingers in the tank. Its very strange, if I put just the tip of my fingers I get a shock but if I put my whole hand in the tank I dont feel anything.
I also have another saltwater tank, a reef tank and I did the same thing and felt nothing.
I also had 3 other people touch the water of the 210 and they felt nothing..
I'm confused, why am I the only one getting shocked?... I do have a couple cuts on my fingers, which could be why, but im a little baffled.


Active Member
The problem is that you're mag drive is releasing 3 electrons per every 1 proton produced. Meaning there is an imbalance in electrons to protons causing your neutrons to... Nevermind, I have no idea man. Hope you get an answer.


Do you have adrip loop? Are there any lacerations on the powercord that might get wet? I have found this to happen when there is a small cut on the housing of the powercord near where whatever enters the tank and sometimes gets a hood closed on it or there is a lot of rubbing, or by a piece of rock. I have found just by moving the cord a little bit so the water runs off of it, I dont recieve a shock. I can not explain why your fist in the tank is less than the fingertips, but have also experienced this in the past. It has been a long time for me, since I checked all my cords, and I cut holes in the hood just so there would be friction that might cause tear or rub away the housing.
Good Luck. And next time, don't jump, then ask a friend to help you with "something' and watch them jump. Don't do it to your girlfriend though, it may not be funny even once.

b bauer

get a gfic from any home improvement store and if it trips start unplugging devices one at a time until you find a bad one.


Ha, yeah I'll have to do that the next time. The last pet store I worked at a co-worker said "Hey brett! do me a favor I'm doing an experiment... touch the floor with one hand and then put your hand in this saltwater tank..." So of course being stupid I did it and holy... you know what, It was an extremely strong shock that made my arm go numb lol.. Thats allright I got him back when I saran wrapped his car lol
I do have a drip loop on the tank, and there are no cuts in the cord. So I'm not quite sure whats going on. I just hope my fish arn't getting zapped!
you should also install a ground probe in your tank as well as checking where your voltage leak is comming from..same thing happend to me, a volt meter showedd 39 volts in the water
along with replacing my power heads,, i installed the ground probe. GFCI a must


Active Member
Originally Posted by SankysYuck
Ha, yeah I'll have to do that the next time. The last pet store I worked at a co-worker said "Hey brett! do me a favor I'm doing an experiment... touch the floor with one hand and then put your hand in this saltwater tank..." So of course being stupid I did it and holy... you know what, It was an extremely strong shock that made my arm go numb lol.. Thats allright I got him back when I saran wrapped his car lol
I do have a drip loop on the tank, and there are no cuts in the cord. So I'm not quite sure whats going on. I just hope my fish arn't getting zapped!
way to go, saran wrappping is the best
plus im still under 18 so they will just tell me to go home and be a good boy lol


Actually I had my electrician here a few weeks ago and he checked my voltage and it was fine because I had another electrical issue. I actually did have a ground probe on the tank but I bought a cheap Brand and it ended up snapping so I threw it out.
I actually just unplugged everything and checked it by putting my fingers in the tank as I added everything on my power strip one by one. It turns out when I plugged in one out of the 3 of my 250W Stealth Heaters one of them apparently is broken because when I plugged it in I got zapped... I should've known because I've had to replace 2 other Stealths, one because I was getting zapped and one because It was tripping my circuit. So the tank should be fine now.
Thanks for all your help!

bad venom

New Member
I had the same problem. Check for strey voltage in the tank. If you have a volt meter or buy a cheap one from radio shack set the vot meter to ac current take the red probe put in the tank and the black probe to the ground side on the wall outlet. If you see voltage disconnect 1 equipment at a time to see when the voltage drops to zero. Mine turned out to be the heater. I test for strey voltage once a month


Active Member
the main suggestion I could give, and it seems to me that everyone is missing....STOP PUTTING YOUR FINGERS IN A TANK FULL OF WATER WITH ELECTRIC CURRENT IN IT!!!
Go get a gfci at lowes and a voltmeter and find out what is bad, throw it away, and stop playin with it before you DIE!!!!

b bauer

the next time your electrician comes to your house tell him to install a gfi that has an audible alarm on it. the price is only around $20 it beats playing with your life


Active Member
They don't always trip with small amts. of voltage. An electrician told me that they have very sensitive ones, but are really $, not the kind you get at the big superstores. All my stuff is plugged into GFIC, and still had stray voltage problem. Explain??

b bauer

the standard is 4 milli amps and home depot or lowes carry them for $20 but you must test them every month.