Keep sump from emptying


How can I keep my sump from emptying and overflowing my tank when the power turns back on after it has gone off?


Active Member
I don't understand you question, How can your sump overflow your tank? IF you do not have a siphon break then your tank could overflow your sump, but not the other way around.


When the power goes off the water the water lowers in the tank, when the water lowers it looses the siphon in the tube that goes from, in the box in the tank to the box that hangs behind the tank. When the power comes back on the pump starts to pump the water from in the sump to the tank and the siphon is broke in the tube therefore the water has no place to go. :help: :help:

dr. evil

yeah but you shouldnt lose the prime in the siphon tube when the power goes out i unplug my pump when i do water changes and never lose the siphon, hmm thats wierd


Active Member
What type of overflow do you have, it should not loose the siphon during a powerloss.


I don't know the lingo for this so here goes...
It hangs on the back of the tank with a box in the tank and one outside the tank. The on in the tank is approx. 6x6 and the one in the back being bigger. The tube goes from one box to the other (horseshoe shaped). The box that is on the outside just has a tube that goes into the filter in the sump. I have to stick a tube up in the pipe and suck the air out to get it primed.
Please help!!!