Keepin' it simple -- but do I need an airstone?


New Member
Hey folks -- my first post here.
I'm setting up a very simple 5 gal eclipse hex aquarium.
The eclipse uses a BioWheel filter. Their literature has lots of gobbledygook about aeration for improved bacteria growth. But there's NO info on general aeration for the tank.
Will I need to put an airstone in the tank, or will the Biowheel add enough oxygen for this little bitty tank?
I almost never see any photos of marine tanks with bubbles, except in Finding Nemo
, but I suppose that doesn't count.
You should be okay with what you have. I am no expert, but I think what you have will suffice. I have not seen a saltwater tank with airstones.
Anywho, thats my two cents. I hope I helped in some way shape or form =P
Now, is this your first saltwater tank? If it is I ask that you reconsider such a small tank, because the smaller the tank, the smaller the room for error.
~Ballet Ninja


Active Member
the biowheel will introduce oxygen into the water. I have an airstone in my 2 gallon hex reef 'cuz the pumps output dosen't aggitate the surface.


Way back when, lots of people had air stones in their SW tanks.. Of course we all know that is a big no-no now.


I have one set up as a salt tank. I made a carbon basket for the top out of that craft plastic canvas with all the holes in it. I shortened the lift tube and added a larger strainer and put a coarse pond sponge on it. No other filtration asides live rock. Though this is invert and fish only. Use GOOD salt and water. A remote ballast heater (or full submersible) is good in it. The cord should fit through the notch already in the top. Advise silicone the top rim on before use. That will help reduce salt creep coming out under it...