Keeping a QT functioning


I was just wondering what everyone did to keep thier QT functioning while it is empty. At times I'm sure my QT won't be used for months if not longer. How do you guys keep it ready for fish. I was thinking I would use my dirty water from my DT during a water change and use it for about a 20% water change on my QT.
Will this keep the QT ready for fish at all times? Or do I need to ghost feed it or something to keep the bacteria alive.
Also, do you usually quaranteen snails and hermits or are they usually fine to put directly in the DT. I worry about keeping the snails and hermits alive in the QT since it has no algea or other source of food for them without me adding it.
Thanks for your help


Active Member
I don't QT snails or hermits.
Some people "ghost feed" their QT's. I keep two black mollies in mine.


Staff member
Add a few pieces of LR rubble and then feed the LR a little every other day. If you ever have to use meds in the QT, the rubble will need to find a temporary home. Like a bucket with a small PH.