Keeping an Anenome put.


Okay, don't yell out me and think I'm sadistic for suggesting this. My LFS (very trusted) owner told me you could superglue one side of a mushroom's foot to a rock to get them to attach. Now since a mushroom is just a small anenome, would it be possible to do this to a real anenome?? Just wondering.


Active Member
You can but the anemone being stuck in a undisered location will probably be the beginning of the end for it.
They like to move around and find a location that is best for them. Its kind of like there happy spot where all the conditions are correct for them.
[ October 25, 2001: Message edited by: twoods71 ]


Active Member
You could do it, but I wouldn't recommend it. They move around for a reason. I understand it's frustrating for them to move where you can't see them, but glueing them to the floor isn't the answer. I've heard the best way is to make them move on their own, such as directing a powerhead in their direction so they look for better locals.
I'm no anemone expert, just my .02.


New Member
I am not sure about the glue but someone advised me to take fishing line, poke it through the base of the anemone and then tie the line around a rock. There is NO WAY I could impale something to a rock just because it moves around too much for my taste. It would be like gluing your cat's feet to the kitchen floor to keep him off the kitchen table. I think the basic difference would be that mushrooms naturally want to attach to something, we are just speeding up the process with the glue - anemones on the other hand seem to be roamers and so we would be doing something unnatural to it. Oh by the way, I'm in Lawrence Kansas and need to find a good LFS in the KC area -sounds like you got one!


i would definately NOT glue it down. as all the above posts state, they move to find a comfortable location. glueing him down i think WOULD be the begining of the end. even when they are happy in one place they still may want to "go for a walk". mine would stay in one place for a while then move as often as he wanted.


While we're on the topic, my new Long Tentacle alwyas sems to be blowing around the tank... so I nestled him between some small LR peices to shelter from powerhead... is this ok, or should I just let him drift around in the current?


sounds like you have quite a bit of current in your tank if he keeps blowing around. since you already moved him id let him go now. if he likes where you put him he will stay. if he decides to move i would let him go. i wouldnt keep putting him places he may get stressed out from you putting him places he doesnt want to be.
just my .02


I have one that moves every few days, it stays in the same general area. like they said above, it just likes to go for a walk. :D
T4Stock, The only thing I would be careful of is makinng sure it does'nt get caught in the overflow or PH. Other then that it will find where it wants to be.


anemones will move around until they find a place that has everything they are looking for. if they can't find that place they will just keep wandering and will probably die after a while of this.


I would suggest smashing your anemone with a rock. I accidentally did this with my anemone when I was changing my live rock around, and it split into 3 different anemones. The way I have it figuered is, if you have three, one will settle where you want it to. On a more serious note, I would guess that by super glueing your anemone to a rock that it might just divide into two. I think it'd be cool for you to try it though and let me know. BTW, all three of my anemones are alive, well and growing! :p