
My Bubble tip ane keeps getting smaller since I've purchased about 8 mo. ago. I thought my tomatoe clown helped over feed and my 2wk small feeding maybe was to much. Now I'm feeling like the clown roughs it up with rubbing, bumping etc. and steels the food as if is protecting it. I've tried to go back and feed cocktail shrimp and formula-one but it is a fight to the finish to keep the clown away. I've also used a cap of liquid lr and ane food for about 2 mo. The ane is very firm, very white, but now 1/4 the orig. size. I really need some opinions. I'v already been reading and asking alot of store owners. I'm stumped.


Looks like you are a very old member. PH=8.0 nitrites/nitrates=0 Clear Temp was approx 85 over the last few months to rid ick - it does work. Lets see - I've taken my water conditions to 3 wide spread locations fish stores and are not only in a good range but excel. I have the 4ft 10k and a 4ft 50/50 blue in two lamp hood on my 75 gal long hex tank (most I can fit and still have pump/filt/protein sk/heater. I've been told many times this light is good. Also a dealer who likes to sell lights says don't keep them with out
high output lights. I'm trying to feed every day but doesn't seem to care or accept food. I'll Appreciate any advice, I'm still weighing out. I love anemones. I just bought a saddle green/purple and still have a long tenticle purple tip and my small bubble.

mr . salty

Active Member
Two things that stand out in your post are #1,your PH is quite low.Although the diference between 8.0 and 8.4 may not seem that much,it IS.It's like the diference between going 50MPH and 90MPH...You really need to look into getting that UP.#2,although you have 80watts of light,this may also be less than ideal for an anemone.Most will say they should not be kept under anything but MH lighting.I think at least VHO.And lastly,Bubble tips are among the hardest too keep.Although the most popular in the industry,they are pretty fragile...Another thing to consider is you have no idea what this animal has gone through before he landed in your tank...Anemones have a very slow matabalism,so by the time thay start to show signs of illness,they have been sick for awhile...