Keeping LS Clean


We have an assortment of Hermit crabs, an Emerald crab, Astera turbo, Mexican turbo and Cerith snails and a cleaner shrimp in our 29 gal biocube. The fish are a six line wrasse, cherub angel and false perc. What would be a good addition to keep the LS clean. Current crew doesn't seem to be getting it done. Add more of the same or something different?


We've got some zoos, mushrooms, green star polyps and finger and toadstool leather so I guess you could call it a reef tank. The stock pump that came with the tank is all I have for flow. Seems to keep plenty of movement in the tank. No stars.


Yeah, Nassarius snails are the best! A few weeks after getting everything setup in my tank, my sand started to get really dirty, I tried to siphon it and I mixed the sand up and nothing seemed to work. So I got 3 nassarius snails from my LFS and also a conch and the two put together cleaned the sand almost instantly!
I would recomend both the nassarius snails and the conch!!!!


This is an engineer goby, and they move LS by making caves and tunnels under rocks. Looks like an eel but is really a fish. Mine, i would say is about 10 inches now. If you buy a small one, it will be black and white and will turn black and yellow as it ages. Got it in my reef tank and seems to be ok. ive also got a garden eel that is nocturnal so i dont even have a pic of it....but its in there, i hope, havent seen it for awhile.... :thinking:


ditto on the conch's, they will eat green algae and diatoms. I have two per tank and have to supplement their diet with nori because they clean so well, and fast.